Friday, October 19, 2012

Homeless and Hungry...Why?

When I see a homeless person on the street like the one who is on crutches and begs for money at the intersection right before my work, I wonder why they don't go to the library and learn about the edible wild plants in the area. Linda Runyon (,%20Linda/aid/4336288) fed her family solely on edible wilds (save for olive oil). So if she can do it and she's still living than I believe anyone can.

Yes, you have to be careful about identification, deadly microbes and whether or not an animal has defecated or urinated on the berry or nut you are about to eat but then again it's not so different from the produce you get from the grocery store that has been handled by the worker who just picked his nose not to mention it has been grown with pesticides and been sitting out collecting dust and passerby's coughs.

Homeless people don't realize how good they have it as they have no burdens other than to find food.

Wild food, unlike cultivated food, is packed with nutrients because it is growing where it wants to under conditions that allow it to prosper, you can eat them right away so the vitamin and mineral content has not depleted as much as cultivated food which is pick, transported, preserved/ stored, and it's free. All you have to do is get educated.

My other thought is that the cardboard sign, decrepit demeanor and melancholic stare is nothing but a costume while they work on completing their college thesis on sociology of the working class...but this is a topic for another discussion.

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