Monday, October 4, 2010

Makeup with Yourself

Below is an essay I wrote last summer. Although I do still wear mascara now, I will not be applying it on my hike for fear of being given the trail name, Mascera. However, I hope this essay is inspiring to those of you who dread makeup removal. Sorry guys, another one for the girls.

May 12, 2009
I believe I got into the habit of applying mascara in the seventh or eighth grade. I was impressed by its enhancing effects and have worn the oil-based substance everyday since: while riding out step throat, before going downstairs for pancakes (in my own house), even, I’m embarrassed to admit, before going to the gym. I was late to my friend’s house one day because I needed to stop at the store and buy waterproof mascara so that I could jointly still look good and swim in the pool. Talk about a vanity!
The task of removing the dark brown residue, still lingering from the day before, from my eyes proceeds as follows:

1.      Turn faucet on (trickle)
2.      Doubled over sink
3.      Close lids half-way
4.      Use my thumb and pointer to gently rub matter from eyelashes
5.      Rinse smudges from finger tips
6.      Repeat steps 4-5 till makeup is fully removed
7.      Wash face (if smudges appear)
8.      Use baby oil to remove oily remains with a Q-tip
9.      Repeat steps 7-8 until makeup is fully removed
10.    Reapply

And all this for what?! So three days ago after completing my eye-makeup (mascara) removal, I did not follow up with step ten. I turned off the faucet, stowed my mascara in the drawer and the baby oil in the cabinet. And…I feel liberated! However, I admit that on this first day, I was tempted to darken my lashes before meeting up with friends at the drive-ins but thoughts of my extensive makeup removal routine provided enough incentive not to do so.
Without mascara, there is nothing to inspect, touch up, or evaluate but what your parents gave you and that does not changed. Whereas before, I would look in the mirror to make sure my eyes were still popping and free of smudge, now I look in the mirror to make sure I’m free of nose and eye boogers.
And I am just referring to mascara. To all the ladies out there tirelessly applying eye shadow, lip liner, lipstick, eyeliner, foundation, blush, shimmer etc, etc. stow away your cosmetics and makeup by applying a better sense of self. 


  1. Excellent post. Your ability to come up with great one-liners is impressive. Love that last sentence.

  2. Oh, I also noticed that the two pictures of your hiking partners (the little one and the pup) are of them sleeping... Looks like you run a tight ship :)

  3. Thanks! Haha, nap time equals crunch time for auntie.
