Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I dropped the box

So, not only was I ill prepared with bug and potty protection I also made a bit of a mistake with my diet. I had my parents pick me up so that I could fix my boxes. So, yes, I got off the trail and went home to take care of business. Some of my beef jerky spoiled. I don't know what I was thinking, but I opened the packages and distributed the leathers in plastic baggies but it says right on the $10 packages that it's only edible for 5 days after opening and I was banking on their freshness for five months.

I gave the good bags to my brother-in-law and told him to give them out to everyone he knows.
I'm also not a big fan of the lentils and the veggie soup which has a sickeningly sweet sent. If I could do it over again I would have saved all of the money I spent on food that I bought and bulk and just bought food in the trail towns. Oh well, you live and learn. Knor meals and Mac'n'cheese are way more appetizing.

I like the snickers, gorp, fruit and Ramen, but I wasn't eating the oatmeal, lentils and veggie soup. I know I will get sick of snickers but I'll continue to have my sister send them to me, after all thru-hikers take part in the barter and trade system. Just the other week I traded 2 snickers bars for a pasta meal with home dehydrated marinara sauce.

1 comment:

  1. Yum... dehydrated marinara :p Glad to be your trail angel from home base :)... or maybe I'm more like your food angel.
