Sunday, December 5, 2010

Karate Lesson from Anonymous

The first thing people ask me after they find out I’m hiking the trail is if I am going with somebody. When I say that it depends, six months is a long time and plans can change, they tell me to watch out for the “crazies” on the trail and it would be stupid not to go with someone. I have decided that fear is debilitating. It is easy for people to not do something because they are afraid. What is interesting to note is that every thru-hiker I have interviewed hiked the trail alone.

My job is to prevent sketchy situations and learn how to protect myself.
The other day I was hanging out with my friend and I told him that I wanted to learn self defense. And this is how it went down:

A- “I know karate, I can help!” he said rather confidently.

Me- “Oh, yea…were you a black belt?”

A-“No, I can’t remember.”

Me-“So can you crush cinderblocks with the chop of your hand?”

A-“No I did more like routines…series of movements”

(I thrust my arm towards his chest faking a “crazy” with a knife)

A-“What are you doing?”

Me-“Pretending to stab you.”

A-“I need to be standing up.”


(Now we are standing. I fake like a crazy with a knife I move towards his left shoulder and quickly jab my fist into his right thigh)

A-“What was that?”

Me-“I faked to the left and went to the right.”

A-“You can’t change direction”

I was unaware there were rules to an assault.

I’m sure we will have better luck next time.

On a serious note, I know that there is some level of risk involved whenever a woman decides to go out on her own, however, I am confident that by being aware of my surroundings, keeping my location known to friends every day, and keeping my lucky coin, I will be safe. 

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