Monday, November 8, 2010

It Took 5 Minutes to Reach My Boiling Point

Today my 900ml Titanium pot from REI came in a nice little box delivered to my front door by the mail man. I grabbed my Super Cat homemade stove (the post called “The Super Cat” explains how to make the homemade stove), matches and alcohol. It took 1 ounce of alcohol 5 minutes to boil 2 cups of water! And it burned for 15 minutes! I was thrilled because it has been a long process recording the amount of time it takes different amounts of water in various pots to boil. None came close to 5 minutes, more like 15 to18 minutes.

The trick with the Super cat is you need to let the stove warm up before you place the pot on top, otherwise, the flames will not shoot out the sides. You know your food is ready to cook when you place your pot on the stove and flames shoot out the portals immediately after. If this does not happen let the stove heat up a bit longer. I found that 3 minutes was enough time to do the trick. No longer The Mediocre Kitty, I can now officially address my stove as The Super Cat.