Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Thru-Hiker's Sentiments on Ultralight Hiking

Leap, on Grayson Highlands

Below is an email I received from thru-hiker, Andy, A.K.A Leap, after posting “10 tips to getting your pack under 15 lbs”: 

Hi Jill, 

I just perused your blog and here are my thoughts on Ultralight hiking…the overall intent of hiking, at least to me, is to enjoy being in the outdoors. Ultralight hiking strives to make your time spent more enjoyable because you aren't lugging around a ton of stuff so the walking part is easier - the drawback is that you must make sacrifices in other areas of comfort, such as time spent in camp and in inclement conditions. The key is to strike a balance and maximize your overall comfort throughout the trip. You could probably hike the whole AT with only a tinfoil emergency bivy sack and a jar of peanut butter. Your bag would be super light but the journey would probably suck.

Lastly, be careful picking out a sleeping bag – I think the xx degree rating usually refers to the temperature at which the sleeping bag will keep you alive - not necessarily the temperature at which you can comfortably sleep through.  

Happy Hiking!


I know for sure that I am bringing my Super Cat homemade alcohol stove which is not suggested for the Ultralight hiker. Also, my mom is convinced that you can't get through 6 months with one pair of skivvies. However, Mike, A.K.A. Michael J Fox, is proof of this.   

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