Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bears and Bearded Men

According to the, "Thru-Hikers' Companion," there are several issues that a traveler will need to contend with-

The two that are most frequently brought up by individuals who first learn of the thru-hiker's endeavor are those of wild animals and wild men...which technically are the same thing.

For all of my followers who have thought or breathed the questions: "Aren't you afraid?" What will you do to protect yourself," the Companion states that "violent crimes have occured on the trail, with a frequency rate of less than two every ten years, on a footpath more than three million people use each year."

Below are several suggested safety precautions:
*For the blogger-don't post in real time
*Refrain from staying at shelters within a mile from the road
*Leave an itinerary for the fam
*Inform the fam once a trail name is given and
*Trust your gut!

As for bears, it is important to make noise and prepare and store food properly. The following steps can be followed to prevent bear breaches:

* Cook and eat meals away from the shelter
*Hang food, water and hygiene items 6ft from a tree and 10ft off the ground.
*Don't feed the bears

This last point of advice is seemingly obvious, although, I remember this one camping trip in the White Mountains. A ranger was warning us about the bears and told us about a couple that went camping with their 4 year old daughter. "It was site 16" he said as he pointed with a weary finger. He went on to say that a bear strolled into their campsite and the mom rubbed jelly on the girls face to attract the bear and so that she could snap a cute picture. A picture that would be pulled out of her purse to show her friends as she'd say, "look at this cute picture of Katie and Yogi Bear!"

This was a say cheese and die moment, and the girl did not have a face left to smile with.

The last piece of advice deals with bear attacks:
*"Fight for all you are worth with anything at hand-rocks, sticks, fist." Hoooorah!

I will wedge myself into a canyon as did King Leonidas from 300 and spear the beast, provided I get charged and there is a crevasse near.

1 comment:

  1. Jilli, you are so good, this is great advice, concise, and interesting, I chuckled a few times. xo -M.
