Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I have not been able to blog for a while since I have been incredibly busy with preparations. To give you an update: all 24 of my drop boxes are packed and labeled, I just this morning seam-sealed my tent (it takes 6 hrs to dry so it is going to remain staked outside till 2pm) and I am making a trip to REI to spend my 2010 dividend...most likely on nylon cord, compression sacks, and some fancy freeze-dried food.

I will be able to blog while I am on the trail, so you will be able to be apart of my journey from home.

I thank you all for the support and I look forward to reading/ responding to your comments and questions.


  1. Looking forward to reading about your adventure :) PS you should write a book lol

  2. I agree with Leanne 100% ... or a documentary even...where's Alden??
