Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chicken John

Today I took my furry companion for a stroll through Willard Brook. I’ve always preferred loop trails because they are more interesting in my opinion, however, I realized today that hiking from point A to B and then from B to A is like two different paths if you put it out of your head that you hiked all this way to do a 180 and retrace your steps. In fact the woodland corridor was so different on the way back that I strayed from the trail and didn’t realize it until I came to an unfamiliar dirt road. I doubled back until I spotted the yellow blazes of the trail I was supposed to be on and my heart rate slowed. I told myself I was going to be the next, Chicken John, a character Bill Bryson encountered when he hiked the AT, who constantly got lost, and who occasionally hiked 30 miles off course. According to section hiker, Red, “you are dumber than a bag of rocks” if you can’t follow the trail, and he believes the maps are unnecessary because the trail is so well marked. In fact, every hiker I have interview has agreed on this point. However, although I'd like to say otherwise, the trail was very well marked today.


  1. What ever happened to the real chicken john colin enniskillen

  2. Chicken John is my directionally challenged grandpa. He did finish the AT that year (unlike Bill Bryson)! :)
