Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Harried Men

Yesterday my sister called me and asked if I was going to bring a razor on the trail. I told her I wasn’t. “Well, are you planning on shaving at all?” she asked. “No,” I said, “I’m going to let my hair do its thing. I’m really curious to see what the consistency of my armpit hair will be.” “Haha, you should blog about this,” she laughed. This is why I am relaying this hairy topic. “It’s actually a great way to detour guys” I exclaimed. Since I will most likely be hiking the trail alone, anything I can do to protect myself will add to a more positive experience.

Thru-Hiker, Morning Glory, explained that her long golden locks invited a lot of attention while her shaved head kept guys at a distance. So what is it about the locations of our hair and how much of it that determines our level of perceived attractiveness?

Thru-hiker, Fox, explained that he would think that a girl was cute until, she raised her arms and exposed her unkempt armpits. “It’s a little scary when they are hairier than you!” He laughed. Another one of my friends told me that while hiking the presidential range he came across a very attractive AT thru-hiker. His interest stopped at about 20ft from her when her stench became too over bearing. “It was a shame” he lamented, “she was really hot!”

I am blonde so that hair that will accumulate on my legs will go unnoticed; as for armpit hair I have a theory. Comparing the places men and women have hair: legs, pubic area, chest, back, armpits and face versus legs, pubic, armpit, and head, respectively, the only places that are different are chest, back and facial hair. Therefore, both men and women were meant to have leg and armpit hair. If it was an issue of hygiene then why are men still harried (pun intended)?

I was discussing this very topic with a past boyfriend and we discovered that women began shaving their legs and armpits in response to fashion—sleeveless T’s and short dresses back in the 1900’s. It does not have to do with comfort. I have never grown my armpit hair out long enough to determine whether or not this is true for me but I am proposing that armpit hair reduces the friction produced by the skin of your under arm rubbing your side as your arms swing. Doesn’t that make sense?

If you are concerned about odor, try mixing equal parts of baking soda and cornstarch. Lightly wet your pits and pat the powder on. You will not stink! It’s natural, safe, inexpensive, and works better (in my opinion) than commercial products.  

Funny side note. There was an ad on the radio for hair implants. My friend who is concerned about his hair thinning said that he was going to call the number. I always reassure him that he would look great with any amount of hair. Then I laughed and said “While you are loosing your hair, I am growing a moustache.” Damn hormones. They begin to deminish as we get older. Maybe this is why old couples look so much alike.

Not shaving has nothing to do with making a statement and everything to do with letting nature do its thing; a retreat from conventionalism. 


  1. You are hilarious!!! Love this post, I was "lol-ing" all over the place :)
    The last part about old couples looking alike really knocked me off my chair hahaha. Love ya chica!!

  2. hi, jillibugs!
    i love this one plus i can totally relate, just wait until you are over 40 and the hair starts popping up in even weirder places! great post!
