Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Pee in the Woods Part II

Ladies, when it comes to peeing in the woods, we need to go with a plan. Men, on the other hand, do not need to plan. They can go anywhere at anytime and under any conditions. If you haven't already, there will be a time in the near future where you have a converstation with a guy in the middle of his urination session.

Not only do we have to find a secluded area, we have to be okay with being bare assed for the extent of our trickle which can last seconds or minutes long. But usually minutes since we try fighting the cramps for as long as we can before we give in. However, once we are emptied we have to deal with the drips.

One option is toilette paper, which produces waste that needs to be burried or packed out, and if packed out will add weight to your pack. (Just think about the number of times you pee each day.) Another option would be to use leaves, but you may be wiping with poisoness ones and you never know what microorganisms are taking up residence on these waxy sheets. A third option would be to shake your hips from side-to-side and quickly pull your pants up, but by doing so, you wet your undies and there is a good chance you'll have the yellow brick road streaming down your leg.

But don't worry my female followers, there is what is called the "pee rag." It is a swatch of material that is fastened to the female backpacker's pack with a safety pin. It serves to blot your area after urination.
Thru-Hiker, Moss, explained that there are two schools of thought on the matter: disgust and admiration. I fall under the latter. I made my very own and plan on using it everyday. Urine is steril. The rag just needs to washed then it can be fastened to your bag for air drying before your next apointment.

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