Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stanley Tools

I met up with section hiker, Red, today for a briefing on tent erection. Within a couple of minutes he had his standing and it looked like an exact replicate of the one on the cover of my directions, those of which left out the minor detail that the front door flap is not supposed to be staked right to the ground, it is supposed to be about a foot off the floor. Red also informed me that I can cinch the corners to make the walls more taught. Genius! He suggested seam sealing it myself and adding nylon cord for additional tension. 

After Red’s demonstration I gave my set-up a go and had loads more success. I entered my dwelling. This is home! I thought.

I also showed Red all of the gear that I packed in my bag including: sleeping bag, tent, sleeping pad, stuff sack of clothes, my kitchen setup, and pack cover.“Even with all of this gear, my pack feels pretty light,” I explained. “let’s check!” he said with a wink. He pulled out a hanging scale and hooked my pack on. Without my water bladder(4lbs) it weighed 14lbs. Food is going to be the heaviest stuff sack in my pack. The most food Red ever carried was 20lbs worth.

From there I took Butter to Citataw. I found these two hiking sticks at the trail head and brought them with me. We made it up in time for the gloaming.

The night ended with some sushi and a few drinks on a rooftop were the city lights polluted the stars.  

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